Sunrise to Sunset Leotard

★★★★★ (2)

“Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully.” - Kristen Butler 

We have a winner! This stunning sunset leotard was designed by Lindsay. She is the fabulous winner of the Bold&Grit “Design Your Own Leotard” contest!

Double-check your torso measurement! This is key for the best fit, as our sizing may be more fitted compared to others.

  • This yellow, orange, and pink marvel is far more than just colorful. The bi-stretch fabric helps you reach for the sky and get the very most out of your back handsprings. It works sun-up to sun-down to help you reach your gymnastics goals. 

    The Sunrise to Sunset Tank Mesh Leotard is so soft and comfortable you can wear it all day long. Whether it’s an early morning session before school, or an evening competitive event, this colorful leotard will keep you cool and fresh with cutting-edge Sec Sport technology.
